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 The PC version of Salt and Sacrifice will be available exclusively via Epic Games Store when it launches alongside the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 versions in Q1 22, developers Ska Studios and Devoured Studios announced It will cost $1999 and support English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Portugeues language optionsSalt and Sanctuary seamlessly combines fast, brutal, and complex 2D combat with richly developed RPG mechanics Discover, craft, and upgrade over 600 weapons, armor pieces, spells, and items as you explore a cursed realm of forgotten cities, bloodsoaked dungeons, desecrated monuments, and the fallen lords they once celebrated The PC version of Salt and Sacrifice will be available exclusively via Epic Games Store when it launches alongside the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 versions in 台北のライトソルトゲーム ソルト ゲーム実況

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